Legal Form
Which legal form is right for you?
The choice of legal form has personal, financial, tax and legal consequences, and each legal form has its own features. Whether a partnership or a corporation is the right choice for your project depends on various factors:
- Do you want to set up your business alone or with partners, and who should run the business?
- Will the planned business operations entail specific risks and do you want a shield from liability?
- Do you want to finance your business with equity or debt?
- In addition, tax aspects may also be relevant for the choice of legal form.
Here Cadenberg* advises and supports you: legally, fiscally and in terms of business management – from the initial business idea to the actual establishment.
- Brainstorming and coaching on the choice of legal form
- Inventory and requirement assessment as well as tax, legal and business advice regarding the appropriate legal form
- Advice and preparation of individual contracts