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Labour Law

From the job advertisement to the release: be on the safe side legally!

Avoidable mistakes related to the drafting of contracts is annoying and often associated with costs. Especially with respect to the drafting of employee contracts and/or agreements, this can cause frustration for both contracting parties. For this reason, we recommend that labour law advice is sought as early as at the hiring of an employee and not, in the worst case, when court proceedings start.

Shortage of skilled workers – employer appeal – benefits: What is legally possible and what makes economic and tax sense?

Employee retention is more important than ever in today’s economic environment. The mere payment of high wages and salaries has long since ceased to be sufficient in order to be considered as an attractive employer. Here, as well, legal options as well as tax and economic framework conditions should be clarified before hiring.

Cadenberg* advises on all areas of individual and collective labour law. We mainly represent and advise employers in out-of-court negotiations as well as in court disputes.

In addition, we advise you on the general duties relating to personnel management and on issues arising specifically with respect to staff marketing.


  • Drafting employment and service contracts
  • Employment law advice in connection with restructurings
  • Advice to employers and representation in labour court proceedings
  • Advice on the termination of employment contracts
  • Preparation and review of employment references

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