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Added Value: Tax Advice

“Ignorance of tax laws does not exempt one from paying taxes. Knowledge, however, often does.”
(Amschel Meyer Rothschild)


Tax advice with added value for your company

Cadenberg* advises you comprehensively in all areas of national and international tax law. We find customised, legally and fiscally optimised solutions for you.

A particular focus of ours is on the structuring of corporate transactions and structural measures under company law.

We also represent you in disputes with the tax authorities (including representation in fiscal court proceedings).


  • Tax transaction support, in particular structuring of company acquisitions and disposals, due diligence
  • Advice on tax risks and opportunities of corporate restructurings
  • Tax structuring in the context of reorganisations and advice on tax issues within the framework of insolvency
  • Internationales Steuerrecht (z. B. Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen, Wohnsitz- bzw. Niederlassungswechsel, Arbeitnehmerentsendungen)
  • Support during tax audits
  • Representation vis-à-vis the tax authorities in opposition proceedings, obtaining binding information and concluding factual settlements
  • Legal representation before tax and administrative courts
  • Tax structuring in the case of asset transfers/inheritance

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