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Business Plan

The business plan: this is a powerful tool for business management

When setting up a business, the business plan is primarily used to decide on how to implement the business project, for you, for investors and lenders. Here it is important to structure and weigh up the opportunities and risks: Is the idea convincing and can it be implemented profitably?

Later on, a good business plan not only becomes a planning instrument, but also a compass for strategic development and operational measures. A living business plan that grows with the company and is continuously adapted to new circumstances will become your strategic advantage over competitors. With such a management tool, you can control your company proactively, purposefully and with foresight.

What actually belongs in a business plan and how can it be used as a management tool?

The first step in a business plan is to define your own goals and analyse the market environment and target groups. With the help of a business plan, opportunities and risks can be analysed and a written business strategy developed.

Based on this information, the entrepreneur will be able to structure his/her business organization and plan and control his/her marketing.

Cadenberg* creates your personal business plan with you, which will live and grow with your company and become a valuable management tool, through partially automated data collection, will always provide an overview of different key figures and uncovers potential.


  • Joint development and creation of an individual business plan – specifically for your purposes and your needs, consisting of:
    • an integrated and seamless finance, investment and liquidity plan (with “best-case, worst-case” scenario analysis)
    • a market and competition analysis
    • a marketing strategy
    • an operational structure and process organisation
  • Establishment and further development of a controlling system
  • We provide our services together with you in a team, in workshops and coaching sessions. In this way we generate real benefits and added value – for the realisation of your goals and ideas.

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