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Further Fields of Law

Receivables Management/Collection

Only cash is real!

Not only in times of crisis, but also in times of prosperity, it is not uncommon for contractual partners not to settle invoices or to delay payments. Unfortunately, payment morale continues to decline. To avoid getting into payment difficulties yourself, you should have a professional receivables management system in place. Cadenberg* advises you on how to introduce such a receivables management system in your company. We also take care of the in and out-of-court assertion of your claims: Cadenberg* advises and represents you from the simple reminder letter to the judicial collection of your claims to the judicial dunning procedure or a lawsuit.


  • Debt Collection
  • Development and implementation of a litigation strategy with a clear and objective assessment of opportunities and risks, taking into account available alternatives
  • Carrying out the entire process management and litigation, including representation in negotiations and in court
  • Enforcement in the event of a successful outcome

Credit Law

Credit forms the foundation of our economic system. Correspondingly important is that existential problems often arise from personal and corporate loans. Is the termination of a loan and the enforcement of collateral legal? Is the bank allowed to call on the guarantor? Is the bank justified in demanding a prepayment penalty? Is the charging of processing fees permissible? When may the customer terminate or even revoke a loan agreement?

Banks as lenders are difficult negotiating partners and opponents in court. Cadenberg* advises you comprehensively in this regard: in and out of court, legally, fiscally and in terms of business management.


  • Review and enforcement of claims for reimbursement
  • Valuation and release of collateral
  • Obtaining enforcement titles for claims
  • Drafting of credit agreements

Landlord and Tenant Law / Residential Property Law

Cadenberg* advises you from the drafting of a tenancy agreement to eviction proceedings and their enforcement. In residential property law, a sensible declaration of division and correct entries in the land register are usually important – this is also the case later in a legal dispute.

Tenancy law matters or condominium matters are often underestimated, which is why the parties use preformulated (tenancy) contracts that often do not take the individual circumstances into account. However, if disagreements depend on the contract wording, the question arises whether it would not have been worthwhile to have had an individual tenancy agreement drawn up at low cost.

In condominium law, it is often the case that older declarations of division no longer correspond to the current circumstances and an adjustment is necessary. Terms thereof may also no longer be up-to-date and therefore require updating.

If a dispute has already arisen, Cadenberg* will advise you and represent you.


  • Drafting of individual tenancy agreements
  • Drafting and revising declarations of division
  • Developing and implementation of a litigation strategy with clear and objective assessment of opportunities and risks, taking into account available alternatives
  • Conducting the entire process management and litigation including representation in negotiations and in court
  • Enforcement in the event of a successful trial outcome

Traffic Law

Have you had a traffic accident and don’t know how to claim damages or even compensation for pain and suffering? Cadenberg* is the right partner at your side. Cadenberg* advises you from the initial consultation with an assessment of the prospects of success to the claim for damages / compensation for pain and suffering.

No matter whether it is a minor loss or a total loss, the outcome depends on which insurance company or which other party you are dealing with. Unfortunately, it is often the case that you can only assert your rights with professional support. Reductions to the insured amount by insurance companies are commonplace, accident opponents do not stick to their verbal promises at the scene of the accident and no adequate compensation for pain and suffering is paid.

Cadenberg* takes over your representation and advises you comprehensively on all possibilities, but above all Cadenberg* stands up for you and your interests.


  • Contending with other parties involved in the accident and with insurance companies
  • Assertion of claims for damages and/or compensation for pain and suffering.
  • Developing and implementation of a litigation strategy with clear and objective assessment of the opportunities and risks, taking into account available alternatives
  • Conducting the entire process management and litigation including representation in negotiations and in court
  • Enforcement in the event of a successful outcome of the case

Competition Law

Do you comply with all regulations with respect to your competitors or do you operate in grey areas in your business environment? The latter harbours dangers in areas of competition law. Do you use clauses in your general terms and conditions or formulations on your homepage that (may) constitute a violation of competition law? Or have you already received a warning from a competition law viewpoint?

Cadenberg* is at your side to advise you in all these cases and to defend you from competition law warnings, and also to issue warnings of competition law infringements.

Competition law in particular is a broad field of activity and holds many dangers and financial risks. There are numerous requirements when carrying out business transactions, non-compliance with which can lead to costly competition law warning proceedings. For example, missing information on your homepage, flawed general terms and conditions, implicit advertising and/or violations of professional legal regulations can initially lead to a warning with a cease-and-desist letter, and later to corresponding court proceedings.

Cadenberg* advises you on this comprehensive subject area, examines the facts with regard to competition law infringements and, of course, not only takes over the defence against cease-and-desist claims but also the assertion of your cease-and-desist claims.


  • Determination of competition law infringements
  • Defence against claims to cease and desist / warning letters against competition law infringements.
  • Developing and implementation of a litigation strategy with clear and objective assessment of opportunities and risks, taking into account available alternatives
  • Conducting the entire process management and litigation including representation in negotiations and in court
  • Enforcement in the event of a successful litigation outcome


Due to new, rapidly advancing technical developments, copyright law has recently become extremely important. Copyright infringements on the internet, which happen quickly and often not even consciously, have recently repeatedly occupied national and European courts, even at the highest level. In the case of copyright infringement, the author has, among other things, a right to removal, injunctive relief or damages. Therefore, it is important for both authors and exploiters to know which works are protected by copyright and when a copyright infringement has occurred. This is where Cadenberg can advise you.


  • Enforcement of the rights of authors in cases of copyright infringement
  • Licence agreement law: advising authors on the granting of rights of use and advising licensees on the conclusion of a licence agreement
  • Examination of the allegation of copyright infringement and, if necessary, initiation of further imperative steps

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