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Heirs and Inheritance

Prudent legal, tax and economic succession planning protects assets and contributes greatly to maintaining family peace. The earlier and more far-sighted assets are built up and structured, the less friction there will be on inheritance.

Cadenberg* advises you with the goal of asset protection and works with you to design the optimal private and corporate succession of assets upon death. In addition to inheritance and company law issues, particular importance is attached to tax-optimised transfers by taking into account, in particular, the income and inheritance tax aspects. Upon inheritance, we represent you out of court in negotiations on inheritance settlements and also in court proceedings. We also act as executors of wills.


  • Private and corporate asset succession planning
  • Advice on wills, inheritance contracts and gifts
  • Tax-optimised structuring of asset transfers and asset (succession) planning
  • Representation in inheritance disputes, enforcement of wills, probate proceedings, legal inheritance proceedings
  • Defence and enforcement of claims arising from inheritance contracts and the compulsory share
  • Living wills, care and precautionary powers of attorney

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