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“Others think, we think ahead”

(Udo Lindenberg)

If illiquidity or balance sheet over-indebtedness is imminent, it is important to act quickly, because then a planned insolvency as a restructuring measure can lead to new entrepreneurial success.

In the case of illiquidity and over-indebtedness under insolvency law, the management must apply for insolvency proceedings. If this is not done, there are considerable liability risks for the managing director, which also extend to his/her private assets.

However, insolvency does not necessarily mean a cessation of business operations, but can even be used as an opportunity under certain conditions. Within the framework of insolvency proceedings, deadlocked structures can be changed, unprofitable or expensive contracts can be terminated and debts can be cleared up.

If initiated at an early stage and carried out correctly, your company can emerge strengthened from insolvency and continue to operate in the market with newfound flexibility.

Cadenberg* advises you on reorganisation measures, insolvency proceedings and debt settlement. We are also at your side during the crisis – legally, fiscally and in terms of business management.


  • Statement of assets and preparation of a liquidity plan to analyse the shortfall in cover
  • Development and implementation of a plan of action to avoid insolvency
  • Preparation of insolvency law opinions on the question of the obligation to file for insolvency
  • Communication with business partners and employees
  • Conducting negotiations

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