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Passing on a Business

Passing on a life’s work to the next generation brings opportunities – and sometimes conflicts.

Cadenberg* advises and mediates at your side or as a neutral third party, in a well-founded and goal-oriented manner, and supports you in the implementation of your goals.

A succession arrangement within the family offers great opportunities: As a rule, the successor has very good knowledge of the company and has been able to slowly work his/her way into the position of the new managing director-owner over many years. However, there are also special challenges for those involved, as the different generations can pursue very different interests and ideas. Points of conflict can in particular be retirement provision for the person handing over the business and the new business aims of the successor. Here it is important to find a fair and sustainable balance.

Our basic approach is to protect the family assets in the long term without restricting the entrepreneurial freedom of the active generation. In this way, we work with you and your family to design the optimal entrepreneurial succession of assets – legally, fiscally and in terms of business management.

We advise you on inheritance and company law issues as well as on a tax-optimised transfer, taking into account income and gift tax aspects.

In addition, we provide the successor with comprehensive advice on financial and asset planning and support him or her in the business management of the company.


  • Consultancy services and strategy development for optimal succession planning
  • Implementation of business optimisation measures
  • Preparation of a company presentation and identification of potential buyers
  • Drafting of the purchase agreement and support through the due diligence process
  • Conducting negotiations, concluding purchase agreements and providing support after the sale

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